All TIGALA Guardians ad Litem have a minimum of 10 years’ experience working with children and families.
Our Guardians ad Litem
Our Trusted Experts
Marie-Louise McGovern
Guardian ad Litem
Marie Louise is a professionally qualified and CORU registered Social Worker. Marie Louse has 11 years’ experience having worked both as a Social Worker and Team Leader. Marie Louise has experience in various Social Work settings including, child protection, harmful behaviour assessment, fostering assessment, all with Tulsa and medical social work in the National Rehabilitation Hospital. Marie Louise is known for building strong professional relationships with families and ensuring the voice of the child is always championed. In recent years, Marie Louise has focused on assessments into allegations of sexual abuse, the assessment of harmful behaviours, including online offending and ability to protect assessments, incorporating safety planning.
As a child protection social worker, Marie Louise has extensive experience from the District Court, Circuit Court and High Court, working with children requiring special care, high support and therapeutic placements. Including working with children who have had to be confined to hospital for mental health treatment and wardship matters.
Furthermore, Marie Louise has extensive experience in completing parenting capacity assessments and pre-birth assessments, in addition to assessments of physical and emotional abuse while assisting in the development of networks and support systems for children and their families.
2007 | Graduate Diploma in Social Work, NQSW –University College Dublin
2005 | Higher Diploma in Social Policy – University College Dublin
2004 | Bachelor of Arts – National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Co. Kildare(Sociology, Economics and Anthropology).
Employment History
2021–Present | Guardian ad Litem – The Independent Guardian Ad Litem Agency
2017–2020 | Senior Social Worker, Child and Family Agency, Dundalk, Co. Louth
2010–2017 | Child Protection Social Worker, Child and Family Agency, Dundalk Co. Louth
2009–2010 |Fostering Assessment Social Worker, RandstadCare Agency, Ballymun, Co. Dublin
2007–2008 | Medical Social Worker, National Rehabilitation Hospital, Dublin
Child Sexual abuse
Assessment of harmful behaviours
Mental Health
Adolescent parenting – pre-birth assessments
Disability - Working with acquired brain injury/stroke/amputees as a medical Social Worker in the National Rehabilitation Hospital.