We represent the voice and best interests of children in court.

TIGALA Guardians ad Litem work closely with all stakeholders in the court process to ensure that children experience positive engagement and remain central to decisions made about their lives and their future.
Guardians ad Litem also work hard to recognise the vulnerability of parents in these instances and promote their role in the children’s lives.
Our Guardians Ad LitemWhat is the job of a Guardian ad Litem?
Guardians ad Litem are independent persons appointed by the Court for the duration of Court proceedings relating to a child. They give the child a voice in the proceedings and advise the court in respect of the child’s best interests.
Guardians ad Litem bring their skills and knowledge to working with children in court proceedings in the District Court, the Circuit Court, the High Court, the Supreme Court as well as the European courts. All Guardians ad Litem who work with TIGALA have a minimum of 10 years’ experience working with children and families.
Guardians ad Litem may be appointed when a child is coming into the care of the State or is subject to a Supervision Order. Any child who is detained under the Mental Health Act may have a Guardian ad Litem appointed to hear their wishes and views and represent these to the Court. They may also be appointed to represent the wishes of the child and assist the Court in circumstances where there is ongoing disagreement between parents in respect of custody and access matters.
More About TIGALA